Hay Donation Sites

Rural Response Hotline

Hay Drop Off Points

Norfolk Airport ~ They do not equipment to unload large round bales
4100 S 13th St,
Norfolk, NE 68701  
POC: Teri Wachter
Phone: 402-841-5130

Lancaster Event Center
4100 N 84th St, Lincoln,
NE 68507
POC: Amy Dickerson
Phone: 402-441-6545

Ag Park
822 15th St,
Columbus, NE 68601
POC: Ryan Palmer
Phone: 402-270-4455

UNL Research Center ~ no small square bales don’t have manpower to unload
1071 Rd G,
Ithaca, NE 68033, NE  
POC: Doug Zalesky
Call (970)759-8626 or (402) 624-8000
Let us know the day and approximate time that you plan to drop hay or supplies off. Hay donations will be collected approximate¬ly ½ mi. west of the intersection of County Road 10 (blacktop road that goes south out of Mead, NE) and County Road H. Coordinates are: 41.161543 -96.482925. Enter from the EAST and exit to the WEST. From Mead: 5 mi. South and ½ mi. West on Rd. H From Hwy 66/Rd. 10: 1 mi. North and and ½ mi. West

UNL Haskell Lab ~ no small square bales don’t have manpower to unload
57905 866 Road
Concord, NE
POC: Doug Zalesky
Phone: 970-759-8626
Local Contact (Logan Dana): 402-429-5560

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA)
404 E. 7th St,
Curtis, NE, 69025
* Accepting large round bales and fencing materials starting Saturday, March 23. Accepting small square bales starting Monday, March 25.
Contact: Meredith Cable
Phone: 402-741-0833
Drop-off and pickup should be between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Call ahead so we can have equipment and labor ready upon arrival.
The pickup and drop-off point is the parking area immediately south of the campus Livestock Teaching Center, on the north east corner of University Road and Semino Drive.

Albion Livestock Market
2518 Sale Barn Road
Albion NE
POC: Ty Austin (402)-841-1057

Verdigre Livestock Market
88176 Highway 14
Verdigre, NE 68783
POC: Curt Zimmer

Dawes County Fairgrounds
2009 E Gordon Ave
Chadron, NE 69337
Contact: Jack Arterburn
Cell: 308-249-3717
Office: 308-432-3373

Nance County
Due to local access issues, there are multiple collection sites in Nance County on both sides of the Loup River. Please contact us first before delivery.
Call 308-536-2691 or 402-741-0384

Nebraska State Fair/Fonner Park
700 E. Stolley Park Road
Grand Island, NE 68801
Drop off contacts: Greg Harder at 612-289-1961 or Lori Cox at 406-570-6807
Pick-ups contact: 800-831-0550
Will need 2 hours notice before drop-off. Collection hours end at 9 p.m.


The Nebraska Preparedness Partnership is currently accepting donations. These donations will stay in Nebraska and used for the catastrophic flooding/blizzard relief. Call Sandra Hobson 402-979-7207 or email shobson@neprep.org

A list of state and national organizations can be found on the Nebraska Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) at www.nvoad.org.

The American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund is accepting donations at www.redcross.org or call 1-800-435-7669 To donate to the Nebraska Cattlemen Disaster Relief Fund call 402-475-2333.

To donate to the Nebraska Farm Bureau Disaster Relief Fund visit https://www.nefb.org/ Nebraska

Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)

There are many resources available, and the State of Nebraska has compiled information on agencies providing assistance and information. A 24-hour call center has been established at the Joint Information Center (JIC) at NEMA. The call center is staffed by state employees from a variety of agencies who are available to connect citizens with the resources needed. The call center number is 402-817-1551. This is not a FEMA resource number. A federal declaration has not been made. If a federal declaration is made, a FEMA contact number will be announced. The Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) website has an interactive map of declarations, a chart of estimated damage costs, and general information on the floods.