Nebraska Business Development Center Business Resiliency
NBDC seeks to provide you the information you need right now to support you and your business. These Business Resiliency Resources have been reviewed by our consultants to assure that these resources may be helpful to you during this difficult time.
OSHA Guidance
Measures for protecting workers from exposure to, and infection with COVID-19 depends on the type of work being performed and exposure risk, including potential for interaction with infectious people and contamination of the work environment.
Prepare My Business

Avoid becoming one of the 40-60% of businesses that never recover from a disaster by utilizing the resources and information available.
Business Toolkits

There is much that a business leader can do to prepare his or her organization for the most likely hazards. The Ready Business program helps business leaders make a preparedness plan to get ready for these hazards.
Specific Disaster Checklists

Focus on disasters that pose a realistic risk to your small business. Consult the following resources to lessen the financial impact of disasters and reopen your business quickly.
Business Continuity Plan and Emergency Preparation

A business continuity plan is the outline of procedures to prevent damage, maintain productivity and recover in the event of a disaster.